
The TCTA runs annual carnivals each year covering each of the disciplines, Olympic Trap (ISSF Trap), Olympic Skeet (ISSF Skeet), Trap and Skeet, the member clubs run the remaining annual state championship events which cover all those events not included in the carnival competitions.

A full range of shooting covering each of the above disciplines, plus ball trap, are available within the state. However, not all clubs have every facility


Trap is one the most popular clay target disciplines shot in Australia.

Trap targets are launched from a trap house which houses a single trap machine with the shooters positioned fifteen meters behind the throwing arm of the trap. On the call of the shooter, the trap releases a single target that is released in a going away direction from the shooter. The targets are thrown at a fixed height, but with random left to right angles (22.5 degrees either side of centre). However, the shooter does not know the angle of the target when called.

Trap can be shot in many different forms

- Single Barrel, where one shot only is permitted at the target.

- Double Barrel, shooter is permitted two shots at a single target

- Continental Trap, where the elevation is varied as well as the left to right angles

- Double Rise, where two targets are released simultaneously each at 22.5 degrees left or right of centre. A standard round consists of 25 targets, however, many combinations of lots of 5 targets or pairs are shot

Ball Trap

The layout is similar to Trap, where the shooters stand 15 meters (in an Arc) from the throwing arm, however, the roof of the trap house is at ground level.

There is similarity to ISSF Trap also, this is because of the distance and angles at which the target is thrown. i.e. 76 meters +/- 1 meter in distance and at heights varying between 1 meter and 3.5 meters at 10 meters from the trap house. The targets are thrown in a 90 degree arc.

Simply, Ball Trap utilises a single machine in Continental mode but with greater targets speeds and angles.

The ACTA allow this discipline to be shot with a half second delay using 28gr. loads, however, the ISSF ruling body specify instant release using 24 gr. loads.


Skeet is shot from eight different stations arranged in a semi-circle between two trap houses, the trap houses are known as the “High House” and the “Low House”.

The high house target is released from a fixed trap six meters above the ground. The low house target is also released from a fixed trap at a half meter above the ground.

Unlike Trap, these traps are fixed and the shooters know the trajectory of the targets. The shooters move around through eight shooting positions, or stations, with the horizontal angle of the target trajectory and the shooting position changing at each position. The shooter is permitted one shot only at each target.

A variation to this routine, known as “Skeet Doubles”, is sometimes shot where more emphasis is placed on shooting pairs of targets, one from each trap house simultaneously, through the third, fourth and fifth shooting positions.

A complete round of Skeet typically consists of 25 targets, with four targets shot from four stations, two targets from three stations and singles from the last two stations and a repeat at the last target if you have shot the round clean, otherwise immediately after your first missed target if you are misfortune enough to miss one.

Olympic Discipline Skeet

Olympic Discipline (OD) Skeet uses the same layout as standard Skeet but is shot using a gun-down format, faster targets and with a zero to three second random delay on the call of the target.

There are also more double targets presented to the shooter in ISSF Skeet.

There is a maximum of 24gr loads to be shot.

Olympic Discipline Trap

OD Trap, Trench or Olympic Trap, as it is also known, is one the three-clay target disciplines shot at the Olympics. It is shot from 15 (??18) meters from the trap house or trench roof with the gun mounted before the shooter calls for the target.

There are 15 traps in total in the trench with only three traps per each of the five shooting positions through which the shooters circulate. With 25 targets presented to each shooter per round, each shooter will receive a repeat of the same target through the course of the round, however the sequence of each target will be presented in a random format to each shooter.

As in all Trap disciplines the targets are released in a going-away trajectory from the shooter with approximate speeds of 100 kph. The targets can also be thrown at 45 degrees either side of centre and at varying heights between one meter to three and a half meters at point ten meters from the traps.

There is a maximum of 24gr loads to be shot.